A Pet Turtle Named Dogge

Have you ever seen a pet turtle who comes when he's called? During my trip to Croatia, my friends and I stayed in an Airbnb in the city of Zadar. The host of the Airbnb was so friendly, he showed us his vegetable garden in his backyard. Inside of his garden, he began calling for "Dogge." Soon enough, a small turtle crawled over to us. The host introduced us to his pet turtle named Dogge and we began feeding him vegetables from the garden. We walked around the garden calling "Dogge" and he came over to us each time. We were so surprised that a turtle can know it's own name!


Airbnb (noun)- A house or apartment that can be rented for a short stay.
Zadar (noun)- An old city in Croatia.
Host (noun)- The owner of the Airbnb.
Garden (noun)- A small area used to grow vegetables.
Dogge (noun)- The name of the turtle.
Crawled (verb)- To move forward by dragging the body close to the ground.
Introduced (verb)- To meet someone new.
Surprised (adjective)- A feeling for when something unexpected happens.

Vocabulary Exercise
Use the vocabulary words above to fill in the sentences below.

1. This spring I want to grow vegetables in my ______________.
2. I didn't know many people at the party so my cousin _____________ me to a lot of new friends.
3. ____________ is a beautiful city on the coast of Croatia.
4. We should stay in an __________  instead of a hotel next time we travel together.
5. I was so ____________ when my parents brought home a new puppy.
6. Have you ever met a turtle named __________________?
7. When we arrived at the Airbnb, our _____________ was waiting outside to greet us.
8. The fence was too high to jump over, so my friends and I ____________ under it.

Grammar Point

The verbs in the entry above use past tense verbs. The regular past tense of the verbs have an -ed ending. For example: "Soon enough, a small turtle crawled over to us."

Grammar Exercise

Choose five verbs and make them past tense using an -ed ending.

Ex: Walk -> Walked
Ex: Jump -> Jumped


  1. I loved your blog. I learned a lot from this entry, in particular, the vocabulary! The definitions were great.

  2. A great blog entry! I really like the vocabulary exercise and grammar point.


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