Travelling Around the World at Epcot
Disney World has four magical theme parks! One of the theme parks I visited last Spring is called Epcot. Epcot is a park that allows you to travel around the world to eleven different countries and experience the food and culture that represents each country. The eleven countries are Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, United States, Japan, Morocco, France, United Kingdom, and Canada. Each country has a designated area that matches the appearance of the country including food, souvenirs, attire, and architecture so that you feel like you hopped off the plane and landed in a new country every few steps. The staff at Epcot are also dressed in traditional clothing to represent the country they are working in. People of all ages enjoy exploring the eleven different countries that Epcot has to offer. Visiting Epcot is like having the world in the palm of your hand!
Disney World (Proper Noun)- A group of theme parks located in Orlando, Florida.
Epcot (Proper Noun)- One of the theme parks at Disney World.
Culture (noun)- A person's way of life and traditions.
Represents (verb)-To stand for something.
Designated (verb)- A specific area.
Souvenirs (noun)- A gift that was purchased on vacation.
Attire (noun)- Another word for clothing.
Architecture (noun)- The structure of buildings.
Staff (noun)- People who work together at a job.
Traditional (adjective)- When something stays specific to one thing without being altered over many years.
Offer (verb)- To give something.
Vocabulary Exercise
Complete the cross word puzzle using the vocabulary words above.
Grammar Point
Complete the cross word puzzle using the vocabulary words above.
Grammar Point
An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning.
Example: "Visiting Epcot is like having the world in the palm of your hand."
Grammar Exercise:
Research idioms and choose three to make flashcards. On the front of the card, draw a picture that matches the idiom. On the back of the flashcard, explain the meaning of the idiom.
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